


誠に勝手ながら、2018年1月31日(水) 23:59をもちまして、


同サービス終了に伴い、2018年1月31日(水) 23:59をもちまして、新規の商品販売受付および、お客様がご購入された商品についての初回のダウンロード期間を終了致します。
また、2018年2月3日(土) 23:59をもって同サービスのサイトを閉鎖させていただきますので、お客様がご購入された商品の再ダウンロードは、2018年2月3日(土) 23:59までに完了していただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。

なお、同サービスの終了後は日本国外からの本バンドスコアのご購入はできなくなりますので、購入をご検討されております日本国外のお客様につきましては、同サービスの終了時間(2018年1月31日(水) 23:59)迄にご購入いただきたく、ご案内申し上げます。












Notice of termination of  “nano official band-score” ( which is the service for downloading band-scores )


Thank you for always using “nano official band-score” which is our service for downloading band-scores by nano in nano Official.
We announce that we will terminate “nano official band-score” at 23:59 pm on January 31st in 2018 (in Japanese Standard Time (JST)).


Along with the termination of the service, we will stop accepting your order at 23:59 pm on January 31st in 2018 (JST) and you need to finish your first download of purchased band-scores by 23:59 pm on January 31st in 2018 (JST).

And we will shut down the web page/site of this service at 23:59 pm on February 3rd in 2018 (JST). If you would like to re-download your purchased band-scores, please finish re-downloading by 23:59 pm on February 3rd in 2018 (JST).


After termination of this service, you will not be able to buy these band-scores by nano from outside of Japan. If you would like to get band-scores by nano from overseas, please complete the procedures for purchasing and downloading the band-scores by termination of this service (by 23:59 pm on January 31st in 2018 (JST)).


We will promptly delete your personal information which you registered to use this service after termination of this service.


You can purchase and re-download band-scores by nano from the following link;


※ As well as from February 1st in 2018 on, You can still purchase and download band-scores by nano at "【nano】 Official Score Shop" in DLmarket which is a marketplace of Japanese digital items. ( This service is only provided domestically in Japan.)

And you can get not only band-scores but also musical scores of the melody from "【nano】 Official Score Shop" in DLmarket. If you are interested, please visit the following website;


★【nano】 Official Score Shop in DLmarket

Thank you very much again for always supporting nano and using our service “nano official band-score”.
