


ご報告ですが、12/2に本人が急遽体調を崩しまして、病院の診断の結果、急性膵炎と診断されました。 大事をとって、1カ月ほど入院する予定です。 今後の予定に関してはオフィシャルHPにてご報告致します。

なお、本日放送予定の「ナノのマジカルウィンター大抽選会」に関しましては、当選番号を本日24時に公式HPにて発表致します。 レギュラー放送しております、Ustream生ラジオ「ナノラジ!S」に関しましても、当分お休みとさせて頂きます事、ご了承頂ければ幸いです。



Thank you for supporting nano always.

As the report, nano was out of shape on 12/2 suddenly, with acute pancreatitis. To be on the safe, nano will stay at the hospital about one month. We will report on the official HP for upcoming.

In regard "nano’s Magical Winter large draw" to be broadcast today, winning number will be announced on the official HP at 24 o'clock. Also for regular broadcast, Ustream live radio "Nano Radio! S", that will be considered as day off for the time being. We would appreciate your acknowledgment.

We apologize for the inconvenience for every one of the fan, as well as a great deal of worry in every one of the participants. Please give a warm watching to us, since nano will endeavor to recover as soon as possible.

by nano staff